Dr. Levi Dean and Dr. Filippo Gilardi from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) are editing a new volume that explores the rapid evolution of short-form video in the Global South, a field undergoing remarkable transformation due to the democratization of audio-visual technology and the expansion of online video platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Bilibili. This volume aims to unite international scholars across disciplines to examine the history, development, and current practices of short-form video in various local contexts. It addresses topics such as media convergence, creative industries, and the opportunities and challenges faced by content creators in these regions. With a focus on storytelling, cultural dynamics, and audience engagement, the volume seeks to contribute to a more inclusive and diverse global short-form video ecosystem, highlighting its significance in the Global South and beyond.
CFP: Special Issue- Visual Political Communication in Africa’s Digital Sphere
CFP: Special Issue- Visual Political Communication in Africa’s Digital Sphere. The importance of visuals in communication is never in doubt....