CFP – Special edition on Communication and Disasters

The DMA  – Development and Environment – Journal has an open call for articles to compose the thematic dossier “Communication of socio-environmental risks and disasters”, with the objective of promoting scientific research, academic discussion and the dissemination of studies on communication of socio-environmental risks and disasters, having as transversal axes governance, management and education for risks and disaster reduction (ERRD).

Forms of communication of socio-environmental risks and disasters (based on the types of vehicles or areas of training) Impact of risk and disaster communication on sustainable development goals and other international frameworks (Paris Agreement, Sendai Framework, New Urban Agenda) Diagnosis of communication strategies in situations of risk and/or socio-environmental disasters Relationships between communication, management and governance in disaster contexts Local/regional experiences in communicating socio-environmental disaster risks among others. Deadline for abstract submission is January 31, 2025.