Global Media Journal: African Edition

Global Media Journal, a publication of the Global Communication Association, is sponsored by the Department of Communication and Creative Arts, Purdue University, Calumet, Hammond, Indiana, USA. Besides the American edition the following global editions have been established: African, Arabic, Australian, Brazilian, Canadian, Chinese, German, Indian, Malaysian, Mediterranean, PakistanPersian, Polish, Portuguese, RussianMexican, and Turkish.

Aims and Scope:

The goal is to establish an edition of the journal in every major language and region of the world, thereby creating a global research and communication network for scholars, students, teachers, journalists, interested individuals, and institutions around the globe. Ultimately, such a network will facilitate exchange of information and knowledge in a timely and efficient manner. Global Media Journal is an effective
communication channel for enhancing and promoting intercultural communication, international relations, and global cooperation among diverse cultures and

Frequency: Bi-annually

Launched: October 2007

Peer reviewed: yes double-blind review

Open access: yes

Language: English

Genres: research article

Author Guidelines