The official Launch of the AfroMedia Network took place at Light University in Bujumbura on the 31 August 2022 during the EACA22 conference. Speaking at the launching ceremony the Responsible Editor of the platform, Professor. Terje Skjerdal from NLA University College emphasised the need for such a platform that connects African researchers and researchers else where with a research interest on Africa. “It is always a pleasure to connect with fellow researchers in the field of media and such a platform will make them visible for consultations and media projects”, he noted. The researchers are able to register their profiles and indicate their research interests. Participants at the conference also got an overview of the platform and how to go about the different features therein. It is hoped that the African research community will come up with ideas and how to use this plaform.
Climate change: Deserted land in journalism education
By Johanna Mack, Sara Namusoga-Kale, Merle van Berkum, Enoch Sithole, & Susanne Fengler Even though climate change has emerged as...