Category: Featured articles

Showing 68 items

CoMMPASS: Communicating Migration and Mobility – E-Learning Programs and Newsroom Applications for Sub-Saharan Africa

By AJENda correspondent  In the dynamic landscape of migration and mobility, the role of media is pivotal in shaping narratives...

AwiM conference adopts declaration on media and gender violence

By: Kemiso Wessie  African Women in Media 2023 conference. AWiM. Delegates at the recent annual African Women in Media (AWiM)...

Nkrumah-created J-school introduces curriculum in indigenous languages

By Enock Sithole  Africa’s first post-colonial journalism school is developing a curriculum in indigenous languages to empower journalists who work...

New publications on African media

Compiled by Elva Nziza, for AJENda and Zaini Izzuddin via Unsplash. Media and Religion in Ethiopia: A Research Report ...

Harber drops the chalk – but far from done

By Enock Sithole If there was a personification of the combination of academic and professional knowledge in journalism, it would...

UCU introduces PhD programme in journalism, media, and communication

By Enock Sithole After years of planning, the Uganda Christian University (UCU) has finally introduced a PhD programme in journalism,...

Journalism educators keeping up with globalisation

By Enock SitholeThe globalising world has informed the establishment of the World Journalism Educators Council (WJEC) “to keep the international...

Linking African Media Research Communities Together

Africa has a media research tradition which goes several decades back, but there is a lack of collaboration between researchers across the continent. A new platform can aid the situation and will also make African media researchers more visible for the rest of the world.